There are several key challenges associated with meeting A(M)C 20-193 objectives for airworthiness certification of software hosted on multicore systems.
In this webinar, we'll demonstrate how addressing A(M)C 20-193 objectives can be simplified using Rapita's MACH178 solution and Asterios Technologies's ASTERIOS® toolsuite, paying particular attention to the MCP_Resource_Usage_3, MCP_Resource_Usage_4, and MCP_Software_1 objectives.
The webinar will cover:
- An introduction to the multicore development process for interference identification, characterization and mitigation
- How interference caused by tasks executing on a multicore processor could cause an application to behave non-deterministically
- How using ASTERIOS and MACH178 can provide an end-to-end solution for addressing A(M)C 20-193 objectives
About Asterios Technologies
Asterios Technologies (subsidiary of Safran Electronics & Defense) develops ASTERIOS®, an integrated software tool suite which provides safety-critical Systems & Software Engineering teams with a breakthrough process to Implement and Certify Complex Embedded Applications, providing a dynamic architecture management capability for a seamless integration on single-core, multi/many-core and distributed architectures.

Headquartered in Massy, France, south of Paris, Asterios Technologies was established in 2011, as a spin-off of CEA (French public research organization in Nuclear and Alternative Energies) bringing to the market 15 years of research & development on Logical Execution Time (LET) paradigms and deterministic development processes and technologies. Asterios Technologies’ solutions have since been used in core industries like Aerospace, Defense and Automotive.