Learn more about multicore avionics certification for A(M)C 20-193 and CAST-32A. Led by DO-178C certification experts, the training will focus on practical approaches to satisfying A(M)C 20-193 and CAST-32A objectives for both civil and defense multicore avionics projects.
Training registration
Full price: £770
Early bird: £615 (if booked before 31st March 2025)
Prices are inclusive of VAT
This is a two-day training course. Please enter your details below and we will send booking information directly to you by email.
If you wish to book the training and pay in Euros, please contact us and we will raise an invoice for payment as this cannot be booked via Eventbrite. Pricing in Euros - Early bird €740/ Full price €925.
Want to learn more about multicore avionics certification?
Through a mix of theory and practical training, you will learn how to:
- Leverage industry-best approaches to AC 20-193 and AMC 20-193 compliance
- Interpret AC 20-193 and AMC 20-193 and what the objectives mean in practice
- Select the right multicore hardware for your project
- Characterize and quantify multicore interference in your platform
- Estimate worst-case-execution-time for multicore platforms
- Demonstrate robust partitioning in your multicore system
- Integrate AC 20-193 and AMC 20-193 evidence into your existing DO-178C workflow
Training Format
The training will be held at Engineers' House, Clifton in Bristol, UK. The training will be spread over two full days, following the agenda below:
29th April |
30th April |
Session 1 |
The multicore challenge |
Session 7 |
Multicore Avionics Certification for high-Integrity DO-178C projects ( MACH 178) |
Session 2 |
Concepts and terminology |
Rapita's approach to AC 20-193, AMC 20-193 and CAST-32A compliance |
Session 3 |
Identifying and quantifying multicore interference |
Session 8 |
DO-178C Planning for AC 20-193 and AMC 20-193 |
Session 4 |
Identifying interference channels in a T2080 |
Session 9 |
Data Coupling and Control Coupling (DC/CC) |
Session 5 |
Introduction to AC 20-193 and AMC 20-193 |
Critical Configuration Settings (CCS) |
Session 6 |
Single core activation |
Safety Net |
Selecting hardware and RTOS |
Session 10 |
Interference channel testing |
AMP vs SMP |
Session 11 |
Worst-case execution time (WCET) determination |
Integrated Modular Avionics |
Session 12 |
Review and conclusions |
Alongside the training, attendees will receive:
- A free copy of our 70-page DO-178C handbook and training slides
- Complementary welcome drinks, lunch, coffee and snacks
- A course completion certificate
Training service cost
The cost of the training service is £770.00.
If you would like to include additional colleagues or would like to receive a quotation for the training service, please email info@rapitasystems.com.
The Presenters
The training will be delivered by industry experts:
Dr. Guillem Bernat - Rapita Founder
In 2004, Dr. Guillem Bernat founded Rapita Systems to commercialize technology for measurement-based worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis technology. Guillem has a PhD in Computer Science and is an expert in timing analysis for modern multicore processors.
Sam Thompson - Senior Multicore Analysis Engineer
Dr. Sam Thompson has worked in both the development of Rapita’s multicore solution as well as the delivery of customer projects on multicore platforms.
Karl Thyssen - Multicore Analysis Engineer
Karl is a Multicore Analysis Engineer who works in the delivery of customer projects on multicore platforms, specializing in software analysis.
About Rapita
Rapita Systems are experts in the field of DO-178C software verification and validation and over the last 10 years have developed a unique commercial solution to address the additional airworthiness objectives for multicore DO-178C/ED-12C projects, AC 20-193, AMC 20-193 and CAST-32A. Rapita is trusted by the world’s most prominent aerospace companies to provide tools and services for meeting AC 20-193 and AMC 20-193 objectives, for example Bell Textron, who are using Rapita's MACH 178 solution for the Bell Invictus 360 next-gen rotorcraft.

The feedback from previous trainees has been very positive, with several participants noting that the training had given them some great practical methods that they could apply to their projects immediately.
"The presenters led us through the certification process from start to finish and I was finally able to really see where I fit into the project I'm on."
"[I] love the customized content and interactive discussion."
If you are unable to attend this training course, sign up here to receive information about future training services sessions.
The DO-178C Multicore Training will be held at the Engineers House Conference Centre in Bristol.
The Promenade, Clifton Down, Clifton, Avon, Bristol BS8 3NB, England