What do we do?
Rapita Systems provides on-target software verification tools and services globally to the embedded aerospace and automotive electronics industries. Our solutions help to increase software quality, deliver evidence to meet safety and certification objectives and reduce project costs.
Leadership Team

Guillem Bernat
Dr. Guillem Bernat is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rapita Systems. In 2004, he co-founded Rapita Systems to commercialize technology for measurement-based worst-case execution time (WCET)...

Ian Broster
Dr. Ian Broster is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and a founder of Rapita Systems. His mix of technical and commercial ability has helped to grow Rapita from its early stages to the international brand...

Antoine Colin
Dr. Antoine Colin is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and a founder of Rapita Systems. He earned his PhD in 2003 at the Real-time Systems group of the University of Rennes for his work on worst-case execution...
Rapita's customers are primarily in the avionics, automotive electronics and space industries. Their requirements vary, from multicore timing analysis and satisfying DO-178C and CAST-32A objectives to satisfying the structural coverage requirements for DO-178B/C and ISO 26262 projects with the least amount of effort and in the shortest amount of time.
RVS is available directly from Rapita Systems and through our world-wide network of distributors. They have many years of experience in the embedded software market and can advise you on the best solution for your embedded system.
Rapita Systems partners with leading technology companies in the embedded systems market to give developers integrated solutions that meet the needs of the next generation of advanced real-time embedded applications.
Research projects
Rapita Systems has a leading role in research projects which are developing the embedded real-time systems of the future. Our projects involve collaborating with European industrial and academic partners who rely on our on-target verification tools to inform the development of aerospace and automotive electronics systems, particularly in the areas of multicore timing analysis, DO-178B/C and ISO 26262. Funding is provided by the European Union through the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking Programme and the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).