Congratulations to Irune Agirre Troncoso who successfully defended her PhD last week, on "Development and Certification of Mixed-criticality Embedded Systems based on Probabilistic Timing Analysis".
Dr. Guillem Bernat, CEO of Rapita Systems Ltd and president of Irune's examination committee, praised her work:
Measurement-based worst-case execution timing analysis, and in the future measurement-based probabilistic timing analysis, are the only viable solutions for multicore timing analysis. This PhD thesis is the first to provide the robust certification arguments needed to consolidate and educate engineers and certification authorities alike to support adoption of this methodology.
Dr. Irune was co-supervised by Dr. Francisco Cazorla of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and Mikel Azkarate-askatsua, IK4-Ikerlan Technology Research Center.
With the increasing use of multicore platforms in critical embedded systems, Rapita Systems is at the bleeding-edge of multicore timing technology, offering a robust solution for multicore software timing analysis. For more information, see our website.