Using the standard workflow for RVS, integrations to use the tool within a development environment can be configured quickly and easily.
In this workflow, integrations are carried out in separate stages. In each stage, a series of scripts runs that can be customized to meet the needs of the project. In the Clean stage of an integration, for example, a command such as make clean
is run to clean intermediate files in the integration. You only need to configure these scripts once during your project, and this is easy to do using the RVS Project Manager.
In the RVS workflow, static analysis is run (during the Prepare stage) before dynamic analysis is (during the Run stage). After applying most analysis settings to configure your analysis, it is not necessary to rerun static analysis. This means that static analysis often needs to be run only once during a project, reducing overall testing time.
When statically analyzing C and C++ code, RVS keeps track of the source files it has analyzed. If any changes are made to these files, you only need to rerun static analysis on new or changed files, hence reducing the impact of code changes on your overall verification effort.
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