Rapita Systems offer a variety of expert training relating to DO-178C, Multicore Timing Analysis (AC 20-193, AMC 20-193 & CAST-32A) and the RVS toolsuite. Public and private training sessions are available.
Want to learn more about multicore avionics certification?
We have developed this training course to offer value for both beginners and experts alike. Led by genuine DO-178C certification experts, the training will focus on practical approaches to satisfying AC multicore airworthiness objectives for both civil and defense multicore avionics projects.
Through a mix of theory and practical training, attendees will learn how to:
- Leverage industry-best approaches to AC 20-193/AMC 20-193 compliance
- Interpret AC 20-193/AMC 20-193 and what the objectives mean in practice
- Select the right multicore hardware for your project
- Characterize and quantify multicore interference in your platform
- Estimate worst-case-execution-time for multicore platforms
- Demonstrate robust partitioning in your multicore system
- Integrate AC 20-193/AMC 20-193 evidence into your existing DO-178C workflow
- Comply with AC 20-193/AMC 20-193 on Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) systems

Upcoming training
If you cannot attend the training sessions, please fill in your details below and we'll let you know when we schedule further sessions.