From the 4-6th of March, Rapita Systems hosted a DO-178 & Multicore training course in York. The training, delivered in conjunction with ConsuNova Inc., helped participants understand DO-178C, the challenges and requirements of complying with it, and left attendees with practical solutions to implement efficient, compliant processes.

Martin Beeby is the Managing Director of ConsuNova EU. Martin has experience in delivering projects requiring DO-178C and DO-254 certification. Martin was part of the DO-178C working group and has practical knowledge of avionics systems, hardware development and certification.

Dr. Guillem Bernat is the CEO of Rapita Systems Ltd. Rapita Systems provides software verification tools for safety critical systems including timing analysis, WCET analysis and structural code coverage to satisfy DO-178B/C and ISO26262 objectives. Dr. Bernat has more than 70 published papers in international conferences and Journals, has lectured extensively in real-time systems and is a frequent speaker at international conferences.

Dr. Samuel Thompson is a Senior Research Consultant in the multicore team at Rapita Systems and has a significant role in both the development of Rapita's multicore solution as well as the delivery of customer projects on multicore platforms.
Day 1
Day 1 of the training was mainly delivered by Martin Beeby. To begin, Martin focused on the rationale behind DO-178, its history, and provided a high-level overview of aspects of compliance. In the latter half of the day, the focus shifted to DO-178's planning objectives and best practices in producing some of the planning documents needed for DO-178 compliance.
At the end of the day, participants had a chance to get to know each other better over drinks and canapes. Discussions included the challenges they've come across while following DO-178-compliant processes.
"The course gave me a much better grasp of DO-178 objectives and how to design and implement compliant processes. It was easy to follow, first providing an overview and then diving deeply into each topic."
Day 2
The second day of the training was delivered by Martin Beeby and Guillem Bernat. This day shifted the focus to considering implementation, software testing, traceability, structural coverage analysis and tool qualification. During the day, many participants raised complex questions based on experiences they had while working on past projects, which were answered by Martin and Guillem.
Day 3
The morning session of the third day focused on Multicore timing analysis1 and developing software that meets CAST-32A objectives. The training was delivered by Guillem Bernat and Dr. Sam Thompson (Senior Research Consultant in Rapita's multicore team). Rapita Systems have developed the world’s first commercial solution to addressing the challenges of multicore timing analysis, which is tailored specifically to address DO-178 and CAST-32A objectives. The expertise of the presenters allowed them to offer practical answers to some of the most challenging questions faced when using multicore systems in DO-178 environments e.g. worst-case execution time analysis and handling interference. The attendees were very receptive to the topic, which raised some excellent discussions around this emerging area.
The training ended with a Q&A session, offering participants the chance to revisit material from the course and ask for further advice on DO-178 compliance.