All blogs Concept (field_concept) - Any -AdaMulticoreWCETTiming analysisTestingSchedulingRTOSQualificationOptimizationMC/DCC/C++ISO 26262Interference generatorsInstrumentationFACEEmbeddedDO-178B/CCode coverageA(M)C 20-193Zero footprint Related products (field_related_products) - Any -MACH178 FoundationsRapiCouplingMACH178 BlueprintRVSRapiTestRapiCoverRapiTimeRapiTaskRapiCoverZeroRapiTimeZeroRapiTaskZeroRTBxMACH178RapiDaemonsRapiComplyMx-Suite General tags (field_general_tags) - Any -AerospaceAutomotiveDCCCEventLicensingRapitaRapiTetrisResearch projectSpace How to configure makefiles in MATLAB® When building Simulink® models, the build system can be configured in many ways. This blog gives a simple example/… 2013-10-01 Using Timed Finite Automata to define the timing behaviour of a system What is Timed Finite Automata (TFA) and how can you use it to define the timing behaviour of your system? 2013-09-25 Things that make real-time hard: DRAM refresh Continuing the series on things that make real-time hard, this week we focus on DRAM refresh. What effect does a DRAM… 2013-09-18 How to use the System Clock to extract timing data from a TriCore timer We work with many different embedded microcontrollers at Rapita Systems, so it’s useful to understand the need for… 2013-09-11 Things that make real-time hard - parallelization Continuing our series of posts on what makes real-time hard, this week the focus is on parallelization. What issues… 2013-09-04 It’s difficult to recruit programmers for Ada projects: myth or reality? (Part 3) The final blog in our three-part series on recruiting programmers to use Ada features software developer Will Lunniss. 2013-08-20 Keeping Code Readable with Ada Generics In my last blog post on Ada renames I re-iterated the commonly accepted guideline within the Ada community that langu 2013-08-13 It’s difficult to recruit programmers for Ada projects: myth or reality? (Part 2) The second of the special three-part series on recruiting programmers to use Ada focuses on new Rapita recruit Chris… 2013-08-08 Simple P4080 Benchmarking Reveals Arbitration Bias We did some analysis on a Freescale P4080 multicore device with cache disabled (a previous blog post explains some of… 2013-07-23 Decision Coverage Loves Ada Enumerations A key feature of Ada is its strong typing, and one area that is a lot stronger than in many other imperative language 2013-07-12 What really happened to the software on the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft? It’s the 4th of July. Exactly sixteen years ago today the Mars Pathfinder landed to a media fanfare and began to… 2013-07-04 It’s difficult to recruit programmers for Ada projects: myth or reality? (Part 1) “We can’t use Ada on our project because recruiting Software Engineers who know how to use it or can learn it is very… 2013-06-25 Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Current page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 … Next page Next › Last page Last » RapiTimes Subscribe to the RapiTimes newsletter to receive updates about our blog posts, webinars, product releases, white papers and industry news. Subscribe Popular tags Code coverage Timing analysis Multicore FACE Testing WCET Qualification MC/DC A(M)C 20-193 Rapita RTBx Scheduling RVS Ada MACH178 DO-178B/C C RapiCover RapiTest RapiTask RapiTime RapiTetris Embedded ISO26262 Optimization Research project All Blogs