All blogs Concept (field_concept) - Any -AdaMulticoreWCETTiming analysisTestingSchedulingRTOSQualificationOptimizationMC/DCC/C++ISO 26262Interference generatorsInstrumentationFACEEmbeddedDO-178B/CCode coverageA(M)C 20-193Zero footprint Related products (field_related_products) - Any -MACH178 FoundationsRapiCouplingMACH178 BlueprintRVSRapiTestRapiCoverRapiTimeRapiTaskRapiCoverZeroRapiTimeZeroRapiTaskZeroRTBxMACH178RapiDaemonsRapiComplyMx-Suite General tags (field_general_tags) - Any -AerospaceAutomotiveDCCCEventLicensingRapitaRapiTetrisResearch projectSpace Interesting microcontroller features: the PowerPC ISEL instruction PowerPC (Performance Optimization With Enhanced… 2014-01-23 Ada, C, rem and mod Ada has two similar operators, rem and mod. 2014-01-14 How do you put the "real-time" into a real-time operating system? There are lots of products on the market claiming to be real-time operating systems. 2014-01-07 Chaining two 16 bit timers together in STM32f4 If, like us, you need to measure times with high ac 2013-12-10 Reading large arrays with Vector CANape We often encounter Vector Informatik's CANape software, described as a "measurement, calibration and diagnostic tool",… 2013-12-03 Setting up a free-running timer on the STM32 Discovery F4 board At Rapita Systems, we find the STM32 Discovery F4 board to be a cost-effective and versatile development board. We have… 2013-11-25 P-SOCRATES project begins I recently attended the first meeting of the P-SOCRATES project as an Industrial Advisory Board member, hosted by the… 2013-11-18 Is your compiler smarter than an undergraduate? Recently I chanced upon a discussion among some undergraduates studying Computer Science. 2013-11-13 Is Windows Safe Mode faster for code? In a conversation with a colleague, I found myself wondering what was the impact of running code under Windows vs a "… 2013-10-29 What are “co-operative” and “pre-emptive” scheduling algorithms? Because of their complexity, most modern systems are reliant on scheduling algorithms for efficient multitasking and… 2013-10-22 Automatic generation of MC/DC test cases - a complete waste of time? Blindly generating tests to produce 100% MC/DC coverage is not the way forward. The bottom line is you don’t actually… 2013-10-15 If RapiTime provides Ipoint coverage, why do I need RapiCover? Users of RapiTime will probably be aware that one of the categories of information shown in a RapiTime report is "… 2013-10-09 Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 … Next page Next › Last page Last » RapiTimes Subscribe to the RapiTimes newsletter to receive updates about our blog posts, webinars, product releases, white papers and industry news. Subscribe Popular tags Code coverage Timing analysis Multicore FACE Testing WCET Qualification MC/DC A(M)C 20-193 Rapita RTBx Scheduling RVS Ada MACH178 DO-178B/C C RapiCover RapiTest RapiTask RapiTime RapiTetris Embedded ISO26262 Optimization Research project All Blogs