Learn from experts in critical software verification
Expert training
We regularly run training courses on critical software verification concepts and how to use RVS to reduce verification effort worldwide. If you have specific training needs, we'll work with you to design a course that meets them. We can run training courses on your site, electronically from our offices, or at an agreed venue.
Well presented with content adjusted to meet the expectations of the audience.
The course is very good and successfully accommodates for individuals with varying levels of prior experience in the field.
The course has helped with understanding the QA process and how this fits to the standard.
DO-178C multicore training
Our DO-178C multicore training events address needs from the critical aerospace industry on the path to adopting multicore systems.
While use of these systems offers the potential for benefits including increased performance, verification of the timing behavior of multicore systems is a complex challenge.
Learn what is required by A(M)C 20-193 and CAST-32A guidance and how to effectively meet multicore certification objectives.
RVS tool training
Get the most out of the RVS tools for your project. We offer on-site and off-site tool training with the option to customise topics covered to meet your specific needs.
Webinars on software verification topics
View our repository of recorded webinars on relevant aerospace and automotive topics.
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Frequently asked questions
What types of training course do you offer?
We offer a range of training courses on topics related to verification of critical software; our:
- RVS tool training courses train attendees in how to use the Rapita Verification Suite (RVS) to efficiently verify critical software.
- Multicore timing analysis training courses train attendees in how to use the Rapita multicore timing analysis workflow to analyze software timing behavior in the context of multicore interference.
Do you offer custom training courses?
Yes, we can customize our training courses to cover the specific topics that best meet your training needs.
How are your training courses delivered?
We have flexible delivery options for our training sessions. Depending on the type of training course, we offer different options, offering:
- Online training, where our trainers host training through an online platform.
- On-site training, where our trainers meet you at your site.
- Local workshop training, where our trainers host training at a public venue.
Has the delivery of your training courses been affected by COVID-19?
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been unable to provide training either on-site or through local workshops. We continue to deliver training courses online as virtual instructor-led training courses.
What RVS tool training courses do you offer?
We offer courses that help attendees learn how to use the Rapita Verification Suite (RVS) efficiently to verify critical software in a variety of ways, including:
- Performing requirements-based testing. Using RapiTest to write requirements-based tests, run them to collect verification results, review and export test results, and support requirements traceability.
- Analyzing the structural coverage achieved by software tests. Using RapiCover to automatically instrument code to collect coverage results while tests are run and to review and analyze coverage results.
- Analyzing software worst-case execution time and optimizing code to reduce worst-case timing behavior. Using RapiTime to instrument code to collect timing results while tests are run, refining RapiTime analysis to reduce pessimism in worst-case execution time calculation, using RapiTime to review and analyze execution time results, and using RapiTime to identify optimization candidates for worst-case execution time behavior.
- Understanding system event scheduling behavior. Using RapiTask to collect task-level timing behavior while software tests are run, analyze scheduling behavior and identify rare events such as race conditions in critical software.
- Using RVS with continuous integration systems to follow software and verification development throughout the life cycle of a project.
- Verifying software for coverage and timing behavior and understanding system scheduling behavior without needing instrumentation or access to source code (in compatible environments). Using RapiCoverZero, RapiTimeZero and RapiTaskZero and which environments are compatible with zero-footprint RVS verification.
- Integrating RVS into development environments, including build system integration and target integration for data capture.
Where necessary, we also include training on fundamental concepts of verification, such as requirements-based testing, structural coverage analysis and worst-case execution time analysis.
We customize our RVS tool training courses to meet your specific needs. -
What will I learn from attending RVS tool training course(s)?
Attendees of our RVS tool training courses leave with a strong theoretical understanding of relevant verification activities and a practical understanding of how to efficiently perform these verification objectives using RVS.
Do RVS tool training courses include practical components?
Yes, our RVS tool training courses include both theoretical and practical components. In the practical components, attendees use RVS themselves. When allowed by your organization, we demonstrate how to use RVS efficiently on your software. We provide licenses that allow all attendees to work through the practical training.
Are RVS tool training courses public or hosted just for my organization?
Generally, we provide RVS tool training courses for a specific organization. This allows us to customize the course to meet each organization’s unique needs.
Do you offer custom RVS tool training courses?
Yes, we can customize our RVS tool training courses to meet your specific needs. Please get in touch with us at info@rapitasystems.com if you want to discuss custom training.
Who delivers RVS tool training courses?
Our RVS tool training courses are delivered by Rapita Field Application Engineers, who are experts at integrating RVS into a wide variety of development environments and using it to produce verification results.
Do you provide certificates for completion of RVS tool training courses?
Yes, we provide certificates to attendees that attend RVS tool training courses, which identify the training topics that they have learned about during the course.
What are the typical class sizes for RVS tool training courses?
As we deliver RVS tool training courses to your organization, this really depends on your needs. We prefer small class sizes as this supports interactive training.
How do I apply for RVS tool training courses?
Email us at info@rapitasystems.com and we’ll get in touch with you to discuss your needs and arrange a course.
What multicore timing analysis training courses do you offer?
We offer courses that help attendees learn how to use Rapita’s multicore timing analysis workflow, including following relevant processes and using the Rapita Verification Suite (RVS) and RapiDaemons efficiently to perform multicore timing analysis. Topics include:
- Writing the multicore timing analysis process into your DO-178C planning documents using the template documents provided by Rapita.
- Setting up RapiDaemons and configuring tuneable RapiDaemons.
- Writing multicore tests in RVS, which use RapiDaemons to investigate the effects of timing behavior when interference is present on different interference channels.
- Analyzing timing results and values from hardware event monitors to understand and quantify interference effects on different interference channels.
- Importing requirements into RVS and using ReqLink to ensure that verification artifacts are traceable and produce traceability reports.
Where necessary, we also include training on fundamental concepts of multicore timing analysis and CAST-32A/A(M)C 20-193 compliance.
We customize our multicore timing analysis training courses to meet your specific needs.
What will I learn from attending multicore timing analysis training course(s)?
Attendees of our RVS tool training courses leave with a strong theoretical understanding of relevant verification activities and a practical understanding of how to efficiently perform these verification objectives using the Rapita multicore timing analysis workflow, RVS and RapiDaemons.
Do multicore timing analysis training courses include practical components?
Yes, our multicore timing analysis training courses include both theoretical and practical components. In the practical components, attendees use RVS and RapiDaemons to write and run multicore tests and analyze results under guidance from our trainers. We provide licenses that allow all attendees to work through the practical training.
Are multicore timing analysis training courses public or hosted just for my organization?
Generally, we provide multicore timing analysis training courses for a specific organization. This allows us to customize the course to meet each organization’s unique needs.
Do you offer custom multicore timing analysis training courses?
Yes, we can customize our multicore timing analysis training courses to meet your specific needs. Please get in touch with us at info@rapitasystems.com if you want to discuss custom training.
Do you provide certificates for completion of multicore timing analysis training courses?
Yes, we provide certificates to attendees that attend multicore timing analysis training courses, which identify the training topics that they have learned about during the course.
What are the typical class sizes for multicore timing analysis training courses?
As we deliver multicore timing analysis training courses to your organization, this really depends on your needs. We prefer small class sizes as this supports interactive training.
Who delivers multicore timing analysis training?
Our multicore timing analysis training courses are delivered by our multicore timing analysis engineers.
How do I apply for multicore timing analysis training courses?
Email us at info@rapitasystems.com and we’ll get in touch with you to discuss your needs and arrange a course.